Civil litigation when injuries are caused by negligence
If you or a loved one have been hurt by the negligence and malfeasance of big corporations, including, among others, pharmaceutical companies, trucking companies, and oilfield companies, as well as other corporate entities whose actions have resulted in injury to you or your loved one, you need competent representation to help you get the compensation the law entitles you to receive. If a trial is necessary, the experienced trial attorneys at Derryberry Zips will effectively and persuasively advocate your case to the judge or jury.
Negligence refers to the absence of, or failure to exercise, proper or ordinary care. It means that an individual who had a legal obligation either omitted to do what should have been done or did something that should not have been done.
A manufacturer can be held liable for negligence if lack of reasonable care in the production, design, or assembly of the manufacturer’s product caused harm. For example, a manufacturing company might be found negligent if its employees did not perform their work properly or if management sanctioned improper procedures and an unsafe product was made.
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